Friday 20 January 2012

7 Quick Takes: The Deep Freeze Episode

We have such weird weather here. For most of December we were hovering around 0 C (which is way warm for that time of year, as the average is -15 C). Now... well let me tell you what the temperature is now...

--- 1 ---
-40 C. With the windchill, it has been -40 C nearly everyday this week. For you Americans, I'll do the conversion for you. -40 C is -40 F. Although, it actually "warmed" up today. It's only -20 C (-4 C)! So the rest of this post will be devoted to what I've been doing to keep warm.

--- 2 ---
Tea. I love tea. I buy loose tea and infuse it in my fancy strainer container thing, and revel in the delicious warmth. My favourite variety right now is from David's Tea, and is called Checkmate. It tastes like chocolate, even though there is no chocolate in it! I actually have so much tea that I took all the over the counter medication out of the kitchen cupboard and put it in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom to have more room for tea.

--- 3 ---
I could write a mushy post about J here, but I won't embarrass him. I just say that hugs warm me from head to toe!

--- 4 ---
Layers. Lots and lots of layers. When I was waiting for the bus this morning, I was wearing a pair of leggings, a pair of jeans, a pair of wool socks with boots, a t-shirt, a cardigan, a hoodie with the hood up, a huge scarf wrapped several times around my head, my winter jacket, and my big furry mittens.

Somehow, I don't think I looked this good...

--- 5 ---
Eating soup. I love soup. I used to hate soup, but I really think I just disliked soup that came in a can. J and I just made this one. It was delicious. But don't forget the parmesan on top! That's the key to the flavours.

Photo from

--- 6 ---
Working. Somehow I ended up with two part-time jobs. That means that I have 4 University classes, 2 part-time jobs, I volunteer with the Lifeteen Core and the Youth choir at Church, and I'm planning a wedding on top of it all. I seem to thrive when I'm busy though, so it's probably a good thing. Until I break down around midterm time...

--- 7 ---
It's my birthday week! My birthday was Sunday, so Happy 22nd Birthday to me! I had a small get together, and had a great time hanging out with friends and talking wedding stuff. I also made these great cookie dough truffles, and pretzel bites that both went over well with the guests. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated birthday! Those cookie dough truffles look delicious!

    Hope you keep staying warm! :)
