Friday, 7 October 2011

7 Quick Takes, Volume 1!

This is my very first quick takes, and I've noticed many other people doing them, so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. The theme this week is going to be just random observations.

Also, while I'm at it, I'm going to mention that you all should go check out Cam at A Woman's Place. She makes rosaries and chaplets at home and is having a giveaway for a custom rosary.

Now on to the takes!
--- 1 ---
I don't understand the point in barefoot shoes. I get that they're supposed to be better for your feet, but honestly, it's cold where I live and I just don't understand sacrificing warm feet for better aligned ones. Can I get any enlightenment?

--- 2 ---
I work in an information booth on my campus with a Ticketmaster, and I have come to the conclusion that only Asian people like Avril Lavigne any more. At least the only people I've sold tickets to/had pickup tickets were Asian...

--- 3 ---
I feel like a goof when I practice my conducting patterns for my music classes at my information booth job.

--- 4 ---
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the fact that even though my parents are going away this weekend that I still get turkey at J's parents house. My brother is another story though, however, if he is just planning on sitting in our house I will forcibly drag him to come have turkey.

--- 5 ---
I am 33 years old. In base 6. Can anyone tell me how old I am in base 10? (aka, what we actually base our number system on) I'll give you a hint, it's lower than 33. This is what I learned in my Math Education curriculum course yesterday. Other highlights from that class include playing with blocks.

--- 6 ---
Part of my information booth job is doing Lost and Found stuff. It gives me great joy when I can give someone back their purse or wallet that has their whole life in it. Conversely, it makes me sad when people come looking for things I don't have. Or when I see something turned in matching their description after they've already left.

--- 7 ---
What it says on the whiteboard at work: 
this day in history: The International Warlock Convention of 1289 issued a decree banning the consumption of dragon meat, to further preservation efforts of the species worldwide. 
Anyone catch the reference?
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. 7- Harry Potter! I think I know more about the History of Magic than about real history. :)

  2. Haha, you're right! You get... hmmm... a gold star? No! You get 100 house points :)
