Friday, 28 October 2011

7 Quick Takes: The Random Episode

--- 1 ---
My brother is normally a fairly reserved kind of guy. But when he's got Adele playing while he's in the shower he likes to belt it out. It makes me laugh. Especially when he gets to the high notes. 

--- 2 ---
I feel hope whenever I see someone pay special attention to showing reverence to the Eucharist.

--- 3 ---
I've been taking a Zumba class with a few of my friends. It's so much fun, but it is for sure a huge workout. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's basically a dance class. But instead of learning a routine you basically repeat the same steps over and over. And the steps usually include something like squats or lunges. I have a class tonight; I love that it's an all girls class too, so I don't have to be self-conscious of "shaking it" in front of men.

--- 4 ---
Marc Barnes over at BadCatholic, has been doing a bit of a series on pornography. Which is exactly the topic of our next Lifeteen issue night. I expect I might have a thing or two to say when we get closer to it. 
--- 5 ---
It was my Dad's 50th birthday on Monday. Happy Birthday Dad!
This actually describes my Dad fairly accurately

--- 6 ---
On a slightly more somber note, my Grandpa starts chemo for cancer on Halloween. Any prayers are appreciated!

--- 7 ---
It's Halloween on Monday! I'm going to a party on Saturday since J is out of town, but my friend and I are going together. I am hoping to look something like this: 
except you know, with more clothes. So really, I just want my hair to look like that. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


  1. 1. I was literally belting out "Rolling In The Deep" when I read the first one. Adele just does something to people. :)

    2. Ditto!

    6. Prayers for your family.

  2. 1. Yeah, I've been guilty of belting out Adele once or twice as well.

    6. Thanks :)
