Friday, 14 October 2011

7 Quick Takes: Smile-making

Hi all, hope your Friday is going well and your weekend goes even better.

I've witnessed some pretty heavy things in the past week (look for a post soon about it!) so I thought I would do my quick takes on things that make you smile. Hopefully it makes you smile too! Without further ado, in no particular order:

--- 1 ---
The sun peeking through the clouds. When I was little I thought that it was the angels beaming through them. Which may have more truth to it than I realize.

--- 2 ---
Pride and Prejudice. I've seen this particular movie version (the Keira Knightly one) probably 25 times. I do not kid. There was a time in my second year of University when my best friend and I were living together at the sorority house and we would watch it at least once a week. The end where he says that "you have bewitched me body and soul" and then the very end when he calls her Mrs. Darcy because she's deliriously happy just make me melt a bit inside.

Also, I have read the book, a couple times. But I like my movie Mr. Darcy better. :)

--- 3 ---
Watching toddlers and pre-schoolers toddle their way up to the front of the Church when it's time for offering. My parish has a clear container up at the front and I love watching them go up and put their money in (or sometimes take money out, which their parents quickly correct). Babies in general make me smile, and I get annoyed with people who say they don't belong in Church. There's a good post about this over at BadCatholic .

--- 4 ---
Singing, playing piano, and doing all things musical. Which is a good thing since I'm going to be a music teacher.

--- 5 ---
Tea. I started buying loose tea, and pretty soon had to switch all of our medicines (advil, tylenol, etc.) into an empty medicine cabinet so that I would have enough room in the kitchen cabinet for all my varieties of tea. It's just so comforting.

--- 6 ---
Blog posts by Cam at A Woman's Place. She was the first person I followed, and I just love how she mixes her daily life with thought provoking posts.

--- 7 ---
J. Whether it's cooking with him, talking to him on the phone, or arguing with him, that man always knows how to make me smile. Which is really annoying when I'm trying to argue. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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